Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I made a freakin' mess last night!

Eating well is hard.  Especially the cooking part.  No more drive-thru or delivery.  No more dumping packages into a pan.  Ugh.  I had to do some many dishes last night and I had to clean the stove.  What is my life coming to?

Here is proof that I am a mess in the kitchen (don't even ask about the counters!):

There was minced onion and little pieces of cauliflower everywhere!

But I stepped out of my comfort zone big time!  Not only did I eat and enjoy cabbage (one of my most detested foods), I tried curry and coconut aminos for the first time!!!  I may be snacking on brussel sprouts next!

I am doing a trial run with some recipes this week to prepare for the Whole 30 that I start on Monday.  I made rice out of cauliflower and a surprisingly tasty green curry chicken with mushrooms and cabbage. The cauilflowerrice will need to be tweaked but I like the idea (and I love, love, love cauliflower in any form).

My goal for the rest of this week is to plan out my meals for at least two weeks.  I also plan to spend Sunday shopping and prepping for the week.  I did this last week and it worked wonders for our household.  No more "What do you want for dinner?" "I don't know.  What do you want for dinner?" moments.  I hate those conversations like I hate Tuesday morning traffic during the first couple weeks of classes each semester.  Planning and prepping made the week painless and I wonder why I didn't do it again for this week.  Here's to one last week of 'What's for dinner?"!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Shhhhh...I have a secret!

So I have been thinking a lot lately about what goes into my body, trying to view food as fuel instead of comfort.  I have decided to eat as cleanly as possible.  And while I admit that I still have a few processed go-to foods (like my flat pretzels and my shakes) I have been trying to only eat things that were once roaming the land and sea or growing from a tree, a bush, or the ground.  If I can't pronounce it and know where it comes from, I don't know that I want it in my body.

These decisions about what goes in my body have led me to think about what goes on my body. Have you ever looked at the ingredient list for your favorite shampoos, lotions, soaps?  Most of what I saw were ingredients that I could not pronounce or tell you what they were.  Then I read about the harm caused by some of the chemicals commonly found in most of the products we slather on our bodies and in our hair each day.  Maybe the chemicals are fine.  I don't know.  I am not a scientist and I do not plan to research each ingredient in all of my products.  Instead, I will stop using them.  And stop using them I have done.

I am not, nor have I ever been, a high-maintenance girl. I can get up, shower, and be ready in under 30 minutes.  My hair and make-up routine takes less than 5 minutes.  But now, I am even lower maintenance.   Except for make-up when I decide to wear it, I do everything with 4 products:  my new "magic" hemp soap, conditioner, almond oil, and crystal deodorant.  On a special day, I might throw in my homemade almond oil and sugar body scrub.  So my secret could be any number of things.  Before this switch, I was using shampoo, conditioner, body soap, face soap, antibacterial soap, various scrubs and masks, leave-in conditioner, frizz-reducing serums, face lotion, body lotion, antiperspirant/deodorant, zit creams, etc......  Now I have 4 items.  I feel kind of bad:  I ended up throwing a bunch of stuff away.  But my shower is much less cluttered.   So, did you guess my secret?  Did you guess that I have become a hippie?  A neo-hippie?  Environmentally friendly?  Green?  Nope.  I don't think I have gone that far.  TMI Alert!!!  I have yet to resort to reusable, washable feminine products (but I will shout my love for the diva cup from the highest mountain--it has changed my life!), I will continue to shave my legs (unless it is winter when my legs do not see the light of day) and I still use toilet paper and all those modern conveniences.  So, I haven't gone too far from where I started (despite the Humboldt influence!).

Did you notice anything else?  Anything missing form my new product list?  Does the lack of shampoo disturb you?  Yep, that is right.  I no longer use shampoo.  It has been 2 months since I used shampoo.  Ewwwww, say you.  But let me explain.  While I no longer use shampoo, I still wash my hair.  I either scrub/massage it with water alone or use conditioner to wash.  My hair has never felt better!   It is isn't as dry as it used to be.  It isn't as oily as it used to be.   It is not oily or dry but just right.  It is my own Goldilocks story.  When I was using shampoo, I was stripping all the oils from my hair which left it dry and brittle.  At the same time, since I was stripping all the oils from my scalp, it decided to produce more to keep up with the loss.  So I had oily scalp and dry hair. Ugh.  It is now soft, still a little dry at the ends because it has been months since I have seen the wonderful, amazing Erin, but it feels amazing.  And I think it is much better for my curls!  I was turned on to the no-poo idea years ago but couldn't stick with it because I felt like it would be dirty.  Not anymore!  I clean, soft hair that I love.  I do need it to grow out, though.  It is way too short for my liking!!!  And I am not loading a bunch of useless chemicals on my hair.  Maybe Humboldt influenced more than I like to admit.  I just feel more natural.  Cue Carole King!

And what about that crystal deodorant?  I thought about going the homemade baking soda route but I am not that far gone.  I'll use the weird crystal stuff that I can buy at the grocery store!  I have always used the extra strength or prescription strength antiperspirant/deodorant because I was super paranoid.  But you know what?  The crystal works just as well.  I remember my dermatologist telling me (many years ago) to stop using antiperspirant/deodorant to help with another issue (maybe I'll share even more about this issue in a later post when I get the nerve and get to know y'all a bit better) and I laughed at her.  She didn't like that I was using the antiperspirant.  But there was no way I was going to give it up.  Ever.  And then I did.   If only I had given the crystal a chance then.  I would have found that it works.  I don't offend everyone when I walk by and I can survive without the prescription-strength, pore-clogging crap that invaded my skin for years. 

When we strive to get healthy or healthier, I think that we focus much of our attention on what goes into our bodies.  Maybe we need to think also about we put on our bodies.  Oh, God.  I can't believe I just said that.  Damn granola!

PS:  I'll leave the title even though this morphed from my shampoo secret into something else :)