Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Looking Forward

I made it through the first 2 days of workouts (only 88 more to go!) and since today is a rest day (from Turbo Fire, at least), I thought I'd revisit my reasons for "getting fit" and come up with some shorter term, more specific goals.  

My top three goals for the next three months (in order of importance):

1.  Be able to wear my wedding ring.
It has been few years since I have been able to fit my wedding ring on my short, sausage fingers.  I have, instead, been wearing L's ring since he doesn't wear it.  Most of the time, it slips off my finger and I end up wearing it on my middle finger.  I will be happy to get my ring back on my finger.  Every morning I try it on and it is slowing moving its way farther down my finger!  I think I will reach this goal in the next couple of weeks!!!!

2.  Lower my cholesterol.
Both my "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides have dropped quite a bit since Spring but I want it to go down a bit more.  I also need to raise my "good" cholesterol. This will make my doctor happy.  Maybe she'll even quit telling me I will have to take drugs to lower it.  Hell, maybe she'll even quit thinking of me as a walking time bomb :)

3.  Be the weight it says on my driver's license.
I would love to be the weight it says on my high school license (it is my goal weight, after all).  For now, I will be more realistic and hope for what it says on my current license.  I was a little more honest the last time I had to get a new picture and license:)

I am off to walk up & down the stairs of DH.  Don't look at me strange if you see me walk by a few times...