Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I survived Week 1

and I feel great! The biggest thing I learned this week is that I can do more than I think I can.  This will sound very unlike me, the girl who sits on the couch and watches crappy TV, but I look forward to working out each day.  It makes me feel strong.  Empowered, even.  This is not to say that it is easy because it is not. Half of the time I flail around, trying to keep up with the choreography of the routines.  I blame my absolute lack of rhythm--those few of you who have seen me dance will understand.  I promised myself, however, that I wouldn't feel defeated, I would keep moving--jumping jacks, squats, jogging, whatever--and jump back into the routine when I found myself.  It worked and, slowly, I am catching on.  I actually made it through the whole routine last night.  Go me!!!

I lost 3 more pounds.  You'll notice there is no exclamation point after that one.  I have mixed feelings.  I expected more.  After all, this is the first week that I have consistently exercised.  Before this challenge, I lost the weight by making better food changes.  So, since I was adding exercise, I thought I would have a good loss the first week. On the other hand,  I want to make sure that I am losing in a healthy way because I don't want to just gain it all back.  In the end, I will be happy with my 3 pounds and hope that I can consistently lose 1 or 2 or 3 a week. I would like to lose 13 more pounds by the end of the year so I can start the year 50 pounds lighter.  Perhaps that goals is too ambitious but I will try!

I also discovered this week that I am not a fan of yoga.  One of the Turbo Fire workouts is a 40 minute stretch with lots of yoga poses.  Blah.  Boring.  Maybe as I lose weight and my gut doesn't impede my folding in half and bending, I will enjoy it more :)  Here's to me losing my gut!!!  I hope I don't lose any more boobs, though!