Tuesday, May 8, 2012

22.5% Complete

Guess what?  Seven days of May have passed and I have completed 7 5ks!  I will be doing #8 tonight--think of me around 9pm!

I have to admit that I am pretty proud of myself.  Granted I have only completed 7 or 31 days, I am still pleased that I have stuck with it this long.  I think a friend or two was skeptical about my challenge to myself (not because I couldn't do it, but because life can sometimes get in the way and they didn't want me to let myself down by not meeting my goal of 31 5ks in 31 days), but everyone has been super supportive and I have even convinced one friend to take on a similar challenge.

I almost always dread getting on the treadmill.  But I always feel better after my walk/jog/run.  Knowing that I will feel good keeps me coming back.  Knowing it will help me reach other goals keeps me coming back, too.

I feel like I fell off the wagon for a while there.  School--grading, prepping, etc.--was my excuse.  I just wasn't moving as much.  Plus, I got a little cocky.  Once I reached my first 50 pound weight loss, I celebrated a bit too much and gained a few of those pounds back.  My next goal is not just 50 pounds, but 54 pounds!  I am hoping that this challenge will jump-start my loss again.

If you aren't doing anything tonight, join me for my nightly 5k!